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10 Product Groups Millennial Parents Count On

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Millennials approach the topics of parenting and raising children differently than their own parents did before them. Keywords such as technology, sustainability and individualism play a special role in life with one's own offspring and also have a major influence on the consumer behavior of young parents. Read here which products the target group of millennial parents particularly values for their children and families in today's age.

Millennial Parents: Pregnant woman buys baby products online

Young millennial parents place a high value on sustainability, individualism and technological innovation when buying baby and children's products. (Image: AsiaVision, Getty Images)

Green layette and sustainable toys

Sustainability is a topic that accompanies us through everyday life and that the younger generations in particular attach great importance to. The awareness that a variety of products harm our planet in the long term is therefore also influencing the purchase of equipment and toys for many millennial parents for their children. Toys made from natural materials such as wood are therefore enjoying growing popularity. It is not only more robust and durable than play materials made of plastic but is also characterized by the fact that it does not contain any harmful substances. The list of advantages for sustainable toys is long. Products such as pacifiers, pacifier chains or children's plates and cutlery are increasingly made from sustainable materials such as natural rubber or bamboo.

Toys made from natural materials like wood continue to be popular with millennial parents

With toys made of natural materials, future generations can discover the world in a pollution-free and sustainable way. (Image: Orbon Aliyah, Getty Images)

Safety in the children's room thanks to advancing technology

Nachhaltigkeit ist ein Thema, das uns durch den Alltag begleitet und auf das besonders die jüngeren Generationen viel Wert legen. Das Bewusstsein, dass eine Vielzahl von Produkten unserem Planeten langfristig schaden, nimmt bei vielen Millennial-Eltern daher auch Einfluss auf den Kauf von Ausstattung sowie Spielwaren für ihre Kinder. An wachsender Beliebtheit erfreut sich daher Spielzeug aus natürlichen Materialien wie beispielswiese Holz. Es ist nicht nur robuster und langlebiger als Spielmaterialien aus Kunststoff, sondern zeichnet sich unter anderem auch durch den Verzicht auf Schadstoffe aus. Die Liste an Vorteilen für nachhaltiges Spielzeug ist lang. Auch Produkte wie u.a. Schnuller, Schnullerketten oder Kinderteller und -besteck bestehen immer öfter aus nachhaltigen Materialien wie Naturkautschuk oder Bambus.

Textiles free of harmful substances for more safety

The use of sustainable materials is also playing an increasingly important role for baby and children's clothing as well as children's room textiles. When selecting baby and children's fashion, millennial parents pay particular attention to resource-saving production and fair, natural materials that are well suited to baby's sensitive skin. The absence of harmful substances also proves to be an important purchase criterion. In the children's room, blankets, towels and changing mats made primarily of certified organic cotton, organic linen, sheep's wool or bamboo fibers are very popular with the millennial generation of parents. They are also skin-friendly and breathable and thus actively contribute to a safer sleeping and changing environment for babies.

Innovation on the go

Mobility is an important part of being a parent because the baby is usually with you on the go. The range of strollers and their accessories must therefore move with the times and adapt to the requirements of the target group of young parents. Modern strollers with innovative functions such as smart technologies for easier travel therefore stand out as new trend products. When choosing the right baby carrier, great importance is also attached to multifunctionality. In addition to comfort and security, many millennial parents also enjoy the additional built-in storage space for a changing cloth and other useful accessories for on the go.

Kindermöbel – funktional und individuellChildren's furniture – functional and individual

In the children's room, two keywords play a particularly important role for many young parents: functionality and individuality. Furniture such as tables or cots must be made of high-quality materials so that, ideally, they can withstand a number of years of use – and ideally "grow" with the child thanks to height-adjustable components. Limited or individually manufactured furniture and decorative objects, for example bearing the child's name, are also becoming increasingly popular and give the children's room an individual character, which more and more parents of the millennial generation are striving for.

The millennial generation of parents is both environmentally conscious and future-oriented in their consumption of baby and children's equipment and attaches great importance to the safety of their offspring. We are excited to see which innovations and trend products will develop in the coming years and support the lives of young families.