Cologne: 03.–05.09.2024 #kindundjugend

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Newsroom of Kind + Jugend

Kind + Jugend for media representatives

Here you will find all information and materials for reporting on the international leading trade fair for premium baby and toddler products. From official photos through our press releases to free radio material, you can very easily download the things you need for your report on Kind + Jugend.

Kind + Jugend participation for media representatives

Accredit for Kind + Jugend

Find out more about our accreditation guidelines here and accredit directly online. The accreditation phase for Kind + Jugend 2024 starts at the beginning of August.

All information on accreditation for journalists

Note in calendar now

The Kind + Jugend 2024 takes place from 3.9.2024 to 5.9.2024

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