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An interview with Kind + Jugend Innovation Award winners of 2023

Won! And then?

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Anyone still wondering what positive impact the Innovation Award has on communication in B2B and B2C should prick up their ears now: We spoke to two award winners from 2023 and asked what the award winners can expect on the days of the trade fair and in their day-to-day business after the trade fair.

All winners of the Innovation Award of Kind + Jugend trade fair 2023.

The winners of the Kind + Jugend Innovation Award 2023. (Image: ©Koelnmesse GmbH, Oliver Wachenfeld)

A talk with Kind + Jugend Innovation Award winners 2023

There's no doubt about it: the moment of the 'drum roll', just before the winners of an award ceremony are announced, is always full of excitement. This was also the case with the Innovation Award 2023, which was traditionally presented on the stage of the Trend Forum in the Cologne exhibition halls on the first day of the Kind + Jugend trade fair. It wasn't just the award winners who were beaming - everyone present could feel that the winners, nominees, jury members and organizers were encouraging each other in a true spirit of togetherness and had one thing in mind above all else: To positively influence the development of the industry and drive it forward with innovative ideas.

“The presentation of the Innovation Award at the Kind + Jugend trade fair is a highlight for us - whether it's the excitement leading up to the announcement or the communication surrounding the event. This year, by the way, we want to go the extra mile and compete for the triple ... so we're keeping our fingers crossed!”
Patrick Osann, CEO of Osann

In the spirit of this constructive exchange, we asked two award winners from 2023:

What can the award winners expect on the days of the trade fair and in their day-to-day business after the trade fair? How does the award enrich communication in B2B and B2C?

After all, the award ceremony is just the starting signal for a whole year as an award-winning product. Patrick Osann, CEO of Osann, and Daniela Ortner, Head of Marketing at Träumeland, provide exclusive insights.

Mr. Osann, the Osann Vamos KLX baby carriage won the Innovation Award in the “Moving & Traveling Kids” category last year. What did the award mean to you as a company last year?

It was the second win in a row for us after 2022. This is really great and “concrete” proof of Osann's innovative strength, which means a lot to all of us and also creates internal motivation and a positive vision for the future for our team. For us, the award has not only created many positive occasions for discussion at the trade fair, but also beyond - and of course national PR- in the B2B-sector.

Ms. Ortner, Träumeland won the award in the category “Sustainability for Kids” for the Wind mattress. How have you experienced the time since the award ceremony?

The award has aroused interest and once again highlighted how progressive we are in our industry. We see our position as a specialist in the development of mattresses especially for babies and children confirmed in a wonderful way by the award.

Do you use the award in your communication?

Patrick Osann: Yes, of course! We discussed the 2023 award in our press work with the trade, regional and general press - but also on social media and in the LinkedIn business network.

Daniela Ortner: Wherever the product is advertised, the award is also prominently featured: on product inserts, promotional photos, advertisements, etc.

Would you like to say something about the perception of the B2C target group?

Patrick Osann: It's very exciting for us: our product developments and also the submissions for the award are often the result of direct input from the target group. The innovation solves a specific everyday problem for parents - and when this is also recognized by an expert jury and we advertise with the attention-grabbing seal, the circle is complete.

Why would you recommend other companies to apply for the award?

Daniela Ortner: I would encourage other companies to apply for the award, because: “Nothing ventured, nothing gained”. Kind + Jugend is also an important place to make new contacts, which is of course also emphasized by the award.

Patrick Osann: I can think of many reasons! Firstly, PR in the most important B2B-media is of course a big plus. In addition, Kind + Jugend is the most important meeting in our industry - that means a high level of attention from the retailers, buyers and multipliers present. And finally, the award ceremony is simply a highlight on the busy first day of the fair.

Dear Mr. Osann, dear Ms. Ortner, thank you for the interview and we are looking forward to seeing what innovations we can expect from your companies at the trade fair this year - and perhaps again at the awards ceremony!