Cologne: 03.–05.09.2024 #kindundjugend

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babybay | Exhibitor on the Kind + Jugend 2023


The best Co-sleeper,

spurred on by the longing for quiet nights, the idea for a completely new type of sleep for newborns was born. On the one hand, it should give the infant the security of its own, confined crib, and on the other hand, it should allow physical contact at all times without disturbing the sleep of mother and child.

The original babybay® was born! At that time, there was no other product like it in the world, which is why all customers call babybay the mother of all cribs.

In the meantime babybay® inspires far more than one million parents all over the world. Unique is the patented stepless height adjustment, so there is neither gap nor step to the parents bed. Thanks to ingenious extensions, babybay® can be transformed and used for up to 7 year
Wildmoos 2
82266 Inning
Hall 10.1 | H008