Cologne: 03.–05.09.2024 #kindundjugend

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"Finally, a live trade fair again"

29 Sept 2021

Focussed, high quality, and live again, finally. © Koelnmesse

Focussed, high quality, and live again, finally. © Koelnmesse

Focussed, high quality, and live again, finally: the RE-START EDITION of the leading trade fair for high quality baby and toddler outfitting following the pandemic-related interruption was a great success for exhibitors, visitors and trade fair organisers.

"We could finally see our customers again, not only virtually, but also physically. This re-start was important for the industry, but also for us as a company." Patrick Osann, head of the manufacturer of children's car seats and prams of the same name, expresses what many exhibitors and trade visitors experienced at Kind + Jugend 2021: a trade fair does good.

Around 2,000 specialised traders and purchasers, more than half of them from abroad, made use of the opportunity from 9 to 11 September to finally evaluate and test new products for babies and toddlers once again, but also primarily to inform themselves in direct contact with manufacturers, to initiate business transactions and to order goods. "Virtual meetings are good, face to face is better", is how one visitor got straight to the point.

Satisfied visitors and exhibitors

The around 150 exhibitors were also very satisfied with the concentrated physical trade fair. Especially smaller companies were able to present themselves outstandingly at the industry meeting and draw more attention to themselves. However, the big industry players on site also profited from the high level of visitor quality, from seeing familiar customers again and from valuable new contacts. Many of the exhibitors expect good follow-up business after the trade fair.

In terms of content, Kind + Jugend was once again defined by the mega-trend of sustainability. This was evident in the many textiles, toys and children's furniture of ecological materials, the exciting lectures on sustainability concepts at the Trend Forum and, of course, the innovative ideas of young designers with the Selection Kids Design Award.

A trade fair does good. © Koelnmesse

A trade fair does good. © Koelnmesse

Successful re-start – good omen for 2022

"The successful re-start of Kind + Jugend 2021 confirms how important it was that the trade fair take place this year", Oliver Frese, Chief Operating Officer of Koelnmesse emphasised. The industry had been missing the personal contact and the exchange, and this year's trade fair provided central impulses here. These are also very good omens for Kind + Jugend 2022."

New potential was also offered by the digital platform Kind + Jugend @home, which was organised in addition to the real trade fair. Here, interested parties can still experience the products, the event programme and the varied networking options until the end of October. And those who also want to establish and maintain contacts can join the LinkedIn group of Kind + Jugend , with its almost 700 members, the forum for exchange and networking.

We look forward to welcoming you there, and of course at Kind + Jugend 2022, which will take place from 8 to 10 September in the coming year. Save the date!